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Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Animal Kaiser Encyclopedia World Festival : The Master Of Chant

Next Monday , Animal Kaiser Legacy Blog has do Animal Kaiser Encyclopedia World Festival of the first time . This time , Animal Kaiser Encyclopedia World Festival is about Animal Kaiser the Master Of Chant .
The Master of Chant in 2013 , just has 3 Elemental Master . The story of Animal Kaiser Master of the Chant is in million years ago , The Master Of Chant in this age is : Master Chant Leader is Kaiser Bald Christ , the 1st Animal Kaiser Generation . The ultra rare Komodo Dragon . With legendary skill : Dino Thundra , He's is lead Animal Kaiser World in 25 century long,He's have 9500 Strength and 8500 Health.
And after 25 century long , Kaiser Bald Christ want to choose the second Master Of Chant . Finally , Kaiser Bald Christ is choose the 2nd Master Of Chant . The name is , Kaiser Leda Prime , He's is first pioneer of Holy Knight . Kaiser Leda Prime has ultimate skill , named Kaiser Flash . Kaiser Leda Prime is Legendary Great White Shark . And after 250 years later, Kaiser Bald Christ has choose the 3rd Master Of Chant . The 3rd Master of Chant name is Kaiser Grand Ludacris . He is the Legendary Lion . After few years , Kaiser Grand Ludacris has study about Curse Of The Nether . After few years again , Kaiser G.Ludacris is become a Master Of Curse Of The Nether . K.G Ludacris want to defeat Kaiser Leda Prime , to get the 2nd Master of Chant Rank . Finally , The Kaiser Leda Prime is battle with K.G Ludacris . Kaiser Leda Prime defeated very easily by K.G Ludacris. The Kaiser Leda Prime has death . After , Kaiser Bald Christ know that criminal . Kaiser Bald Christ is very angry and he 's imprison K.G Ludacris in Forgotten Prison . In there K.G Ludacris is die . But , his descent is has same plan : Kill or do some criminal . After Kaiser Bald Christ is death . Ludacris descent is do many criminal in Animal Kaiser World . The descent of ludacris is Scorch Grandfather . And other Ludacris descent is make Villain Beast Group . That's is our master past story . The plan , Kaiser Bald Christ and other Kaiser , has been added in Th Great Animal Kaiser at Evolution Ten Endless .

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